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When does it make sense to combine DPA, RPA, and AI?

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  • When does it make sense to combine DPA, RPA, and AI?
Digital process automation (DPA), robotic process automation (RPA), and artificial intelligence (AI) are all powerful technologies that can help businesses streamline their operations and drive innovation. However, it can be confusing to know when to use each one and how they can best be combined. In this blog post, we explore the differences between DPA, RPA, and AI, and provide guidance on when it makes sense to use each one. The digital revolution is no longer news. Most industries need to use one or more of technologies like DPA (digital process automation), RPA (robotic process automation) and AI (artificial intelligence). These technologies are all about automating both lower level and high-level tasks and decision-making, which ultimately improves productivity and reduces costs. And why? This blog will discuss some of the benefits and applications of these technologies, as well as when they work best together.
DPA, RPA, AI: The three technologies for the digital age All three technologies are powerful tools for automation. They can be used separately, or together as a powerful combination.  Together, these three technologies will support your business in delivering services at scale in a way that boosts performance for your customers, increases productivity for employees, and reduces costs.   DPA
  • Digital process automation is a technology that helps connect various devices, applications, software, and information systems in an organization.
  • It can be used to automate manual tasks and repetitive tasks.
  • It can also be used to automate time-consuming tasks or error-prone ones.


RPA is a subset of DPA. It’s a form of automation that uses software to replicate the functions of human workers. RPA can be used for repetitive tasks such as data entry, data processing, and form filling, but it’s also effective at automating more complex workflows that involve decision-making.


AI is a technology that can be used for a wide range of applications. It can be used to solve problems that are too complex for humans to solve, such as identifying patterns in data and making decisions without the need of human intervention.  In the context of the digital ecosystem, AI is often applied to automate repetitive tasks that are done at scale across multiple systems and platforms through a cognitive process called machine learning. In order for this technology to function properly, it requires training data sets from which it learns how each task should be performed. Once trained, an algorithm will continue these processes until told otherwise by its user or some other means (such as changes in business rules). 

What are the various use cases of DPA, RPA and AI?

There are many use cases for DPA, RPA, and AI. However, there are certain situations where it makes sense to combine these technologies. For example, DPA can be used to automate processes that are time-consuming or error-prone. RPA can be used to automate repetitive tasks. And AI can be used to automate decision-making. 

When all three technologies are used together, they can create a powerful solution that can automate complex processes. This can result in significant efficiency gains and cost savings. In addition, the combination of DPA, RPA, and AI can help organizations improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

For example, DPA can be used to automatically fill out forms, help with data entry, automate tasks like sending emails, or generate reports. All of these use cases are helpful, but many companies would want their automated solution to have more advanced functionalities.

To that end, RPA can be used to do things like create new customer records, update existing customer records or even close customer accounts. AI can be used to do things like identify patterns in data, make predictions about future events, earning, or recommend actions to take across various situations.

Depending on the industry, different use cases will be more important. Below are some examples of how DPA, RPA and AI are being used in various industries:


  • DPA is used to automate the process of creating and updating patient records.
  • RPA helps update patient records.
  • AI helps recommend treatment options or identify patients at risk for certain conditions.  


  • DPA helps automatically fill out loan applications.
  • RPA helps to open new customer accounts.
  • AI is used to identify fraudulent activity or recommend products and services to customers.  


  • DPA helps generate sales reports.
  • RPA helps update inventory levels.
  • AI is used for recommending products to customers or identifying trends in customer behavior.  

Finance and Accounting:

  • DPA is used to generate financial reports.
  • RPA helps update customer records.
  • AI is used to identify fraud or recommend investment options.  

These are just a few examples of how DPA, RPA and AI can be used in various industries. The possibilities are many and the use cases will continue to evolve as these technologies become more sophisticated. 

DPA, RPA and AI can work individually or as a combined solution

While all three technologies are often discussed in the same breath, they’re not entirely interchangeable. DPA is typically used to capture information before it’s sent to a human agent. RPA captures information that needs to be analyzed by an expert and then sent back to a human agent. AI analyzes data in real time and makes decisions based on what it finds out. 

While these technologies can all work together or separately depending on your needs, they aren’t mutually exclusive. For example, you might want your RPA system to analyze financial statements before passing them along to an AI system for further analysis (and even more automation). Or perhaps you’d like your DPA system to capture customer feedback while also sending that feedback directly into an AI engine so it can analyze the comments and make recommendations based on past customer experiences – all without any human intervention.  

No matter what industry you’re in, DPA, RPA and AI can be used to automate tasks and improve efficiency. By using just one or more of these technologies, organizations can create powerful solutions that can help them save time and money and build new digital capabilities.

To learn more about how DPA, RPA, and AI can be used together to create powerful solutions for your business, speak to our experts at VBeyond Digital. We can help you assess your specific needs and develop a customized solution that meets your organization’s goals.

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