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Automated business intelligence: Translate real-time data into business efficiency

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Automated business intelligence: Translate real-time data into business efficiency

Enterprises can leverage automated business intelligence reporting with Power BI’s impressive usability, high-quality data visualization capabilities, and superior compatibility with other Microsoft Office products.

Measuring and evaluating performance across different functions, teams, and locations have always been a challenge for businesses. In the past, larger enterprises were able to leverage their greater human resources and process expertise to construct reporting processes that helped inform their decisions and strategy, gaining a major competitive edge over smaller rivals. However, as technology has evolved, new-age automated business intelligence tools are augmenting BI and performance reporting, helping smaller businesses level the playing field. Forbes reported that, as per Dresner Advisory Services’ “2020 Cloud Computing and Business Intelligence Market Study”, 54% of enterprises count cloud business intelligence as a critical technology for their current and future strategies.

Automated Business Intelligence: What is automated BI reporting?

Business Intelligence systems collect and integrate data from across all sources in an organization and put it in a form that best informs the management about how the business is performing. For this to be effective, this information needs to be current and accurate. Collecting such information manually is a people-intensive and error-prone exercise, and smaller companies have always struggled to expand their operations while continuing to report accurately. Automating this process substantially reduces the risk for errors and the human resources required to report data while allowing management to access relevant information faster and with greater certainty.
Automated BI and reporting enable SMBs to operate more dynamically to market conditions, allowing them to react faster to market challenges and solve problems more efficiently. Automation also prevents the company from being misled by the bias and inaccuracies which stem from human reporting, letting the management interpret the relevance and importance of data more objectively.

Business Intelligence Automation: Visualizing growth opportunities from data

Automated BI reporting tools can be programmed to add visualizations or rules to existing data sets, enabling the discovery of trends and patterns which might otherwise have been missed by human analysts. The most effective business intelligence tools allow the user to juxtapose different data sets as per their requirement, helping company leadership understand what data should drive their decisions, helping them iteratively ask the right questions, and derive the best answers from the data they have.
By accessing historical, current, and real-time data, BI tools can run analytics to perform complex calculations and deliver insights such as performance figures, percentages, and comparisons to improve decision-making. For instance, a manufacturing business can accurately determine that delays in raw material delivery were causing recurring slowdowns in production each quarter and come up with solutions to overcome bottlenecks in the future. They can also analyze how one product’s sales revenue impacts the net profits from another and drive efforts to improve the sales of the higher-value offerings.

How Microsoft Power BI delivers superior data analytics and visualization

The Microsoft Power Platform enables organizations to develop, customize, and extend all the apps they need to build precise flows for collecting data, apply analytics to it, and create detailed reports. Since Power BI, Power Apps, and Microsoft Flow are designed to work together, users across an organization can quickly and easily build custom apps, automate workflows to improve business productivity and analyze data for insights.

With Power BI, you can evaluate data through real-time interactive dashboards and uncover new insights you need to drive business growth. Power Apps cuts down the time taken to build and deploy applications to hours instead of months, which can be run on Windows, iOS, or Android devices. And with Power Automate, you can integrate powerful, low-code, or no-code workflow automation directly into your applications, which in turn can be connected to hundreds of other apps and services on a single network.

Nothing works better than bespoke solutions that are designed around your business and how it operates. VBeyond Digital works with companies from across different industries and markets, providing customized solutions that help our client partners get the most value out of their data.

We leverage our Microsoft Services and automation expertise and data science talent to build customized, interactive data monitoring tools and couple them with a simplified user experience so that our clients have the data they need to achieve their business goals and solve critical problems at their fingertips.

Contact us to get started with business intelligence and automated reporting systems for your organization.

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